Fermivin portfolio in few words

Proud of our more than 50 years of expertise in selecting, producing, and commercialising yeast, Oenobrands keeps introducing new fermentation solutions with this Fermivin wine yeast portfolio, which includes both Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces strains, including the first Hanseniaspora vineae on the market (aka Fermivin VINEAE).

For each strain, one performance“: Each strain was chosen to meet wine industry needs. Our partner institutes tested and validated each yeast to emphasise its distinct characteristics and provide winemakers with well-defined solutions. Thus, each Fermivin strain promotes a distinct feature (cryophilic, revealing thiol aromas, producing high esters, releasing polysaccharides, etc.).

Fermivin strains have the same benefits: complete fermentation, efficient aroma conversion, low foam, low volatile acidity, and no unpleasant flavours. Our yeast factories grow, dry, and test them for authenticity, performance, and quality.



It all started in the 70s with three founding strains selected in cooperation between Gist-Brocades and INRAe and produced as Instant Dry Yeast (the original term for Active Dry yeast sold now). Then, little by little, the Fermivin line grew, expanded, was marketed and was enriched with new strains selected to create a full “family” of yeast strains adapted to various winemaking conditions and itineraries.

Differentiation of yeast species

In 2022, when we introduced a non-Saccharomyces strain, we had to create a distinguishing mark to distinguish Sacc. from non-Sacc., which is how the emblems Unity and Synergy were born.

“UNITY” means the state of being united or joined as a whole.


This range includes Fermivin Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that are powerful fermenters, providing security and reliability. The product names are acronyms that match the strain’s key trait or the selection number.

“SYNERGY” refers to the interaction or cooperation of two or more agents that has a greater influence than the sum of their separate impacts.


This range includes our Hanseniaspora vineae and the next non-Saccharomyces to be released representing novelty, the future, and that certain something that will make the wines different.

Differentiation of yeast production


Since 2013, we have offered various strains in classic and In-Line Ready forms.

Documents and packaging related to In-Line Ready display the logo.

The key to In-Line Ready’s popularity is its distinctive multiplication and production process.

This tailored approach strengthens the yeast, making it more resistant to the stresses experienced during direct addition, such as low temperatures and acidity.

The result is a yeast that is more viable and adaptable than the classically produced corresponding yeast that is directly added.

Also, this process makes yeast able to handle the challenges of fermentation with similar speed as matching Fermivin yeast, classically produced and added after a rehydration protocol.

How can you find your yeast within Fermivin portfolio ?

Learn more about the yeast production

Discover our range of Fermivin yeast :

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