Final touch TONIC

Final touch TONIC

Mannoproteins solution for making perfect white and rosé wines.


Most white and rosé wines suffer a continuous loss of varietal aromas and fermentation esters as they age. This loss is due to the slow oxidation of aromatic compounds and may be accompanied by a colour change.

With its expertise in the oenological applications of mannoproteins, Oenobrands has developed Final touch TONIC. This specially selected mannoprotein-based solution contains mannoproteins for their powerful reducing and protective colloid properties. Final touch TONIC preserves the initial aromatic freshness of white and rosé wines as they age.


Final touch TONIC consists of mannoproteins with specific properties that contribute to wine’s colloidal balance, helping to preventing premature ageing of wine aromas. 

Over time, wines treated with Final touch TONIC are fresher, have greater aromatic intensity and a punchier taste.

Final touch TONIC is supplied as a liquid that acts instantly and has a long-term effect.

Mannoproteins’ protective colloid properties also contribute to the tartaric stability of wine. In all cases, laboratory stabilisation tests must be carried out beforehand.

Science and Technology 

Final touch TONIC noticeably enhances the organoleptic qualities of white and rosé wines, whilst preventing premature ageing of their aromas.

Sensory profile of a 10-months-old rosé wine made using a ‘thiol’ technical route. Control vs. Final touch TONIC at 30mL/hL.



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Final touch TONIC is completely soluble and can be added directly to wine at a rate of 20 to 40 mL/hL.


Add homogenously to white and rosé wines just before bottling.

Final touch TONIC retains its properties and works in perfect synergy with the usual additives used to make still white and rosé wines.

For optimal aroma protection, we recommend protecting wine against oxidation during the preparation and bottling stages.


Packaged in 1-litres canisters.


Final touch TONIC is a specific mannoprotein fraction extracted from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and preserved in liquid form.

Final touch TONIC contains sulfites (1.5 g/L).


Store in a cool place (< 10 °C).

Use within 4 weeks after opening and store in a cool place after opening.

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